why choose hardwood alchemy?

our values & philosophy

  • use exacting methods

    We eschew mass production and embrace the artistry of woodworking, ensuring that each item receives the attention and care it deserves. Our dedication to handcrafting guarantees a level of craftsmanship and detail that simply cannot be replicated in manufactured woodwork.

  • obtain premium materials

    We carefully select our lumber from reputable NYC wholesalers and US-based online suppliers. Lumber selection is a key ingredient of our process, and a step we take seriously. We take great care to acquire inputs - lumber and otherwise - that will accentuate & compliment your woodwork.

  • maintain a world-class shop

    Hardwood Alchemy’s shop space & wide roster of tools play a crucial support role in every piece we make. Our shop makes use of both hand tools and power tools, with an unerring focus on precision. Where possible, we’ve acquired vintage American tools and restored them for everyday shop use.